Radioactive waters in the U.S.

 Nolan Cobbs jr 

Professor Boon

College comp

Nov 16, 2021

Radioactive Water


    As we know, many things can be radio active, including our bodies of water. Where i come from, we have a lake that is radioactive from it being a trash site for many years. Many places over the U.S. has bodies of waters that are radioactive as well but even worse some people may be drinking radioactive water as well. For a body of water to be radioactive many hinges like laboratories, energy plants, man made sources, and etc can make waters radioactive active. Something called radium is a toxin that is found in radioactive waters but also can be found n drinking water too. From the source, it states that,” The study, conducted between 2010 and 2015, found that around 122 million people are drinking water that contains levels of radium above what is considered safe by the Californian scientists' guidelines”. It has gotten to the point where the EWG warned the radiation levels in our drinking supply had been harmful to those who drink it. Either way, there hasn’t been a way to stop this from producing and having it come up in our drinking water. They say they are doing the best they can to fix these situations started now and hopefully ending sometime in the future.


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