How Does Solar Energy Work?

How Does Solar Energy Work?

What are the pros and cons of solar energy? Here's everything you need to  know

Most people and I would assume everyone in this class have heard of solar energy. Some might even know some that use solar energy at some level. One question that I myself sometimes find myself having is how does solar energy really work?

Of course, we know that solar energy is energy that is absorbed from the sunlight, but let's dig deeper. The most common way to use solar energy is through solar panels. Solar panels absorb solar energy through something known as photovoltaics. As stated in a post made by Energy.Gov "energy from the sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the panel. This energy creates electrical charges that move in response to an internal electrical field in the cell, causing electricity to flow, "

Solar energy is something that can seem expensive at first, but if you compare the costs of a one time installment versus a continuous energy bill, it will most often come out being cheaper.

Do you guys know anyone that uses solar energy?



  1. I agree that once everyone Start to see how solar energy works then it would make the community way better for us. I like how you gave good detail about solar energy because many people actually don’t know that this can help out way more and be efficient too.

  2. i think we should all switch over to solar panels it is a good investment for us and the environment. How long would it take for all of us to switch to solar panels. And would there be a company that would be willing to do it

  3. I've never really learned much on solar energy. This was a good post to introduce me to what it is and why it's important.

  4. I agree with your post. We need to start using this kind of energy as its cleaner and renewable. There so many sources of energy nowadays that are just destroying the planet, and some of them are not renewable or clean


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