Effects of Overgrazing


Brennan Logan 11/3/21 Blog 8

   Overgrazing is “excessive grazing which causes damage to grassland”. This can be detrimental to the whole environment as it occurs. Negative effects include: preventing plant regrowth, loss of nutrients, increase of invasive weed growth, etc. If plants can’t grow back, it’s harder to keep places green, as well as the loss of nutrients can be negative for growth if plants as well. Weed growth increases the use of pesticides, which is very toxic for animals and the environment. 

   A way this can be solved is by getting invisible fences with shock collars. With these collars, it allows you to create a “fence” to prevent animals from overgrazing certain areas for too long, which promotes the regrowth of these plants. These “fences” are created with satellites. You can relocate the fences as needed. While it isn’t realistic for every farmer to use these, many farmers can make the switch. 


  1. Hmm...are there locations where this is more of a problem?

  2. Great post. I never knew that overgrazing was a thing. I am sad that this is a problem across the world. Are there areas where it is worse than others?


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