Coral pollutuion

     Coral reefs provide some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. There are many different types of Corals that have been discovered, some coral lives in warm water, shallow tropical seas, and others live in cold, deep down in the ocean. Coral has been around for hundreds and thousands of years five hundred years to be more precise.  Coral is a living organism in the ocean, about twenty-five percent of fish in the ocean, depend on coral reefs for food and protection from preditors. They can be found in salt and fresh water, Recent studies show that coral can live up to five thousand years. Coral reefs have many benefits that are good for our environment because they protect the coastlines from storms and erosion. Coral reefs also help because they provide us with ways to find medicines. A lot of people depend on reefs for food and income. Recently coral reefs are beginning to bleach and die. The reason that the Coral reefs are dying is because the temperature of the water is rising and causing the reefs to get stressed and irritated. Another reason why Coral reefs are dying is because of all the trash waste in the water and sometimes trash bags and junk, in general, getting stuck to the reefs and also causing the Coral reefs to die. Coral reefs are an amazing sight to see and their vibrant colors are just beautiful to see. We as a whole should do all we can to protect the reefs because who knows Mabey one day we won't have them anymore.


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