Food Waste


Food waste is a really big issue when it comes to this topic. This is the food that is not eaten, and the reason behind it may be because of the food system (production, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption)

This is an issue in too many forms. For example, there are so many people on the planet that doesn't get the same opportunities as others do. While food is being wasted in a country, it may be needed somewhere else. However, there may be so many factors that affect this, and we can't really control them at all.

Also, food gradually breaks down, to form methane. This greenhouse gas could be more powerful than CO2 is. Food waste is also among the leading causes of freshwater pollution. 

In conclusion, wasting food leads to many issues in the world, and the main issue could be global warming.


  1. Great blog post Michael. This is definitely a big issue and you did a good job explaining why. I know here in the United States we waste a lot of food and I just wish that we could some how give food that is about to go to waste to another place that is in need of food. Overall great job with this post.


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