Flooding in Slovenia’s Capital


In Slovenia’s capital, massive and tremendous flooding has shaken it’s people. Leading to hundreds of interventions through way of emergency crews. Overnight rainfall is the culprit behind this flash flooding and the destruction caused in Ljubljana. This heavy, sudden downpour happens reportedly every “once in two centuries event.”
The major issue that stems from this flash flooding is with the hospitals that where damaged. Other damaged pieces of property include houses, a theatre show(shown above), and miscellaneous buildings here and there. The majority of critical infrastructures was flooded. In the hospitals people report seeing the water racing down the stairs as if it was a waterfall.
Over 2,700 calls, 400 interventions, and 500+ Buildings which where flooded came from this storm. This rain also gave way to the protest going on causing them to disperse and flee. They where protesting over virus contamination. Even though protestors had already had water cannons and tear gas used against them. They stood no chance against this rain. They say that they’re no injuries to report. 


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