Wasteful types of energy

 Wasteful types of energy- Ylaria Valadez September 29, 2021

There are multiple types of energy that are wasteful for the environment. Even without noticing we use a lot of energy each day. A couple examples of a wasteful use of energy is leaving the lights on, leaving electronics plugged in, running the dishwasher half full, and setting the thermostat too high. Leaving the lights on is one of the easiest habits to fix, fixing this issue can save electricity and help your lightbulbs last longer. Electronics use energy even when they are turned off, connecting electronics to a power strip makes it easier to switch off unused devices. Running the dishwasher should only be done when it is full because a dishwasher uses 1,800 watts electricity a day. Lastly setting the thermostat too high is when the water heater is set at 140 degrees. It should be set at 120 degrees to be energy efficient.



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