Urban Sprawl

 Urban Sprawl

Jessica Bailey
September 29, 2021

    Urban sprawl is defined as the uncontrolled expansion of urban and suburban areas that takes over a large area and creates a low density environment with high segregation between commercial and residential areas. It has and is becoming a major issue in North America. There is harmful impacts on the people living in these areas including social segregation (which leads to crimes) which will then lead to a decline in political participation and a strain on transport and its infrastructure.          Smart Growth: Commuting and the Urban Sprawl – GLOBUS

    There are many factors that contribute to Urban Sprawl such as a decline in population, economic growth, and globalization as well as attractive land and housing prices, and the desire for larger houses with more amenities like yards, appliances, privacy, storage, etc. Urban sprawl often can drain local environment resources, can increase transportation and energy cost and can destroy a communities character. 


  1. Jessica, this is really interesting to me. Before reading this, I had no idea what Urban Sprawl was. It's cool to learn more about it. I knew about the idea of it, but I never knew what the term was for it. I can see how it an effect our resources and the environment as a whole. I think a good thing to think about is to ask if there are any ways we can prevent this? Will people ever be able to refrain from wanting more, no matter the cost?

  2. It’s crazy to me just how much industrialization is affecting our environment. It seems like there is always problems when it comes to advancing in technology, but instead of trying to find a solution we tend to just ignore it and let the repercussions plan out.

  3. I see that urban sprawl is a very big thing in cities that were already large and had high population, do you think it would be less of an issue if they were developing small towns with lower populations? Kind of like evenly dispersing the growth?


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