Things that affect water pollution

 Nolan Cobbs 

September 22, 2021

Professor Boon

College Comp 1

What happens when we pollute

    While there was many things that where seen that affected the community when people polluted the our oceans and lakes, their are more ways that are still being used today that are affecting these natural environments. Since last week we talked more about how it more of radioactive waste hurting the ocean, their are many other things that we have seen worst than this. Industrial sites have waste that can get into the oceans and streams. Most industrial sites produce toxic waste and sometimes it can be dumped into freshwater streams which is easy to get into. Marine dumping is another way to put trash into the ocean and many countries do this so just imagine that. One more things that really affects our oceans is oil leaks and spill. This to me is one of the worst since its dealing with oil. Since we know water and oil doesn’t mix well, this situation is bad for us. Sometimes it be accidental but it still hurts us and the environment. 



  1. Great blog post. It was cool to read about the different ways that the waters are being polluted. I had no idea that some countries put trash into the ocean, that's crazy to think of and how much trash and pollutants is in the oceans right now.


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