FACTORY FARMING: The Downfall of Our Environment


Factory farming didn’t become prominent until the 1970’s, due to Earl Buttz. But since then, it has grown rapidly, and is very detrimental to our environment and our future. Our food system is responsible for about ONE-THIRD of total greenhouse gas emissions! Not just that but the fossil fuels in fertilizers, transportation, and pesticides emit 90 MILLION tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere YEARLY. 

Deforestation is a huge problem as well, with 260 million acres of forest being cleared to create crop fields, in the United States alone. Not to include the deforestation around the world. Which contributes to deforestation in the Amazon, in Brazil, and many other places. 

It’s difficult to come up with a way to solve this, when we consume an insane amount of meat as a nation, and as a globe as well. With a high demand comes a need to create more farms to produce for consumer needs. This is detrimental for our future, and the only way we can make a change is to cut down our consumption on commercial meats and vegetables, and stop over eating. 

Brennan Logan


  1. This was an interesting read in concerns to the amount of carbon dioxide which is dumped into the atmosphere every year. Along with the destruction of forest and the green life simply for more farming land. You also have a very valid and important point when it comes to this being a problem in regards to the amount of meat consumed worldwide. I know becoming vegan isn’t the answer, or is it? The only way we will know is when we find out and solve it. My only question is if you had complete control over it all, what would you do?


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