COVID and Agriculture


COVID and Agriculture

From my reading of this article, I found that COVID-19 has had a major effect on the life of agriculture and farming. The biggest hit was shown in floral and nursery crops, the production value decreased by $32 million. Cannabis growth was not included in that report, but Hemp was included with other indoor grown floral and nursery crops. Vegetable production also saw a decrease by $4.4 million, but livestock actually was shown to have brought in $5.6 million. This surpassed the $3 million in 2019. They key to keeping the agriculture industry open and running were Community Supported Agriculture subscriptions and Certified Farmers' Markets. From seeing successes, there have been closings of slaughterhouses. This article mentions that there has been a lot of uncertainty in the market, but there is a stabilization seen of the ag industry. 

Agriculture COVID-19 update


  1. That is crazy. I can't believe that covid effected farming and agriculture. The fact that slaughterhouses were shut down because of the Covid-19 pandemic is unbelievable.


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