Blog #2 conservation/extinction

 For my 2nd blog I will be talking on the extinction problems in the United States. To start of their is nearly 1,300 total species. Two of the main mammals to feel the impacts of extinction risks are wolverines and polar bears. The American wildlife experts are calling sixth mass extinction, which means species are feeling extreme increases in disappearing rates up to 100 or even 1,000 times higher before humans were present. The main reasons of these increases are from humans causing deforestation, pollution, fragmentation, urbanization and many other reasons to follow suit. One study shown has evidence of 227 species to go extinct in American wildlife since 1973.


  1. Great blog post Bailey. This was very interesting and very concerning. Both wolverines and polar bears are amazing animals and its devastating to know that they are close to extinction because of us. I hope we can attack this problem sooner than later to help build these species back up before it's too late. Also very sad that 227 species have gone extinct since 1973, that is a lot of species for 48 years. That just goes to show us how bad the environment is getting and how quickly it's happening. Overall great blog post.


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