Why we should keep endangered species safe

 Keep Endangered Species Safe

Save America's Wildlife | Environment America

Tyler Perkins

Keeping endangered species safe is very important to some people and the world in general. We have to keep the endangered animals safe because some of them keep us safe. Some animals have to kill other animals so they don't hurt humans. We also have to protect the animals because they mean no harm and they are beautiful animals. We need to cherish them and take care of them. That's why they made the endangered species act. It protects the animals from harm, harassment, shooting them, and more. We need to treat some animals the way we want to be treat.



  1. Tyler, I think that keeping endangered species safe is very important also because it is true that we need some of these animals to survive. I enjoyed your post about the endangered species act, I heard about this act a while ago and kind of forgot about it.

  2. Which critters should we be most worried about? What do we need to do?

  3. Good post Tyler. I also agree that we should keep endangered species safe. Most of the time the animals that are endangered are usually that way due to hunting and poaching. It's unfair that they should be wiped from the planet just because some hunters can make some money off of them.

  4. Really good posting! it is really important to keep animals safe as they are all part of a food chain, which shouldnt be affected. When animals are extincted, then this food chain changes, and we have to be careful here because it may then affect other animals.


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