Vertical Farming

  Vertical Farming is something that not everyone is familiar with.  Vertical Farming is pretty much what it sounds like the practice of growing crops vertically elevated in the air. Vertical Farming has been around since the early 1900s but was not popular because everyone thought the idea wouln's work.Not many people were a wear of how productive Vertical Farming was till professor Despommier and his students came up with an idea of a skyscraper farm that could feed up to fifty thousand people. An acer of  farm land could feed up to 100 people vs two acres to built a skyscraper that could feed up to 50000 When pappers and news heard about the idea suddenly Verical Farming was a thing that people knew about. In order to do feed fifty thousand people without vertical farming would take up to  When Farmers start to Vertically Farm they often build or find a structure to have the plants vertical some of the things that farmers use are buildings, shipping containers, tunnels, and abandoned mine shafts. (it's rare when they use an abandoned mineshaft.) People often confuse  Vertical Farming with Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) they are very similar in the way of growing crops but Vertical Farming doesn't use any type of soil instead farmers are using soilless methods like hydroponics. Hydroponics helps grow plants vertically by using mineral nutrients.  Usually, when using Hydroponics they usually have a fish tank because they reuse the waste that the fishes leave behind and use the nutrients from the waste to help grow the plants. 

Vertical Farming for the Future | USDA


  1. Vertical farming seems as though it could be a great alternative and great for the environment. Before this post, I had never heard of it. I think this style needs to be highlighted and promoted, so more people can make the switch.

  2. Ah, this looks like practice for living on Mars! Wonder if I could do this at home...


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