Coral Bleaching- Aaron Hoffman


Coral bleaching is a huge problem all around the world. Coral bleaching is when these bright and vibrant corals turn completely white. Coral are bright and colorful because of microscopic algae called zooxanthellae. The zooxanthellae live within the coral in a mutually beneficial relationship, each helping the other survive. One of the leading causes of coral bleaching is global warming. As little as 2 degrees can cause coral to drive out algae. Other reasons are extremely low tides or pollution or too much sunlight. Coral bleaching matters because once these corals die, reefs rarely come back. With few corals surviving, they struggle to reproduce, and entire reef ecosystems, on which people and wildlife depend, deteriorate. Small, daily actions can help reduce coral reef loss, like reducing stormwater and fertilizer runoff or avoiding herbicides and pesticides. But if we really want to solve the coral bleaching problem, we must address climate change. 


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