When did Deep Sea Wells Begin?

 Peyton Driskill


It is a common fact that most of the earth is covered by water. The ocean has given a lot of exploration opportunities and challenges, while going over the Gulf of Mexico and also off the coast of California. Those two places have led the way for the first offshore oil and gas production places. The first wells were drilled from peirs and then went into the ocean at Summerland, California, in 1896. The first offshore well detached was form Caddo Lake, Louisiana, in 1911


  1. I understand that limited land space is probably what caused deep sea wells, but other than the convenience of having more space what other benefits deep sea wells provide. I think it is completely irresponsible and thought less to not think about the potential harm of the environment that could be caused by 1 pipe bursting and dumping oil and gas into the open ocean and deep sea. The ocean and deep sea extend well past what science has been able to explore. More is known about space and the planets than the deep sea and the animals that live there. I think we should be more focused on preserving the unknown than trying to find away to benefit and make it work for humans.


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