Vertical Farming for the Future of Agriculture


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Vertical farming is the new way of farming for some farmers with their crops. This way of farming takes out the risks and complications out, as it's a controlled environment. Growing vertically also allows farmers to save not only space, but water as well. One of the biggest benefits found though is how quickly the crops can grow like this. Of farmers main crops, they are ready to harvest in just three to four weeks. While this won't change traditional farming or getting food to families, farmers believe that innovation is needed.

Emma Pettigrew



  1. I have heard about vertical Farming and I like the idea because farmers would have more space stacking crops on top of each other then planting them on land. More space means that we could plant more crops.

  2. Hey Emma, I never knew about vertical farming. I know farming is a vital key for our resources but it seems like this is a way that came help us produce more crops faster. Over all this is a good post, good job.


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