Sea Turtles

 Blog 6

Julius Caulder


    I’ve never seen the point in harming things that are harmless and helpless. Sea turtles are very harmless animals that are harmed by others careless and thoughtless actions. They are not contributors to the harm that has been done to our environment but have to live and try to survive something that they have no control or influence on. When this problem was first brought to my attention it was because of a video that most people have probably seen over the years. In the video it showed a sea turtle with some boaters trying to pull something out of it nostril. The sea turtle shows clear signs of pain in discomfort. The boaters used pliers and had to use a lot of force to dislodge what is later discovered to be a straw. This video had a big impact and showed people how their actions harm our marine life. 

    The article on how straws affect sea life start with a really strong statement Approximately 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year with 8 million tons of them being thrown into the open ocean, making up 80% of known debris in our waters. Needless to say, the rate of production for plastics is growing exponentially, yet we are not able to dispose of them at the same speed.” Knowing this it just adds to how selfish and thoughtless our actions can be. But, I think the way to improve is to educate so people can all understand how much and how far their actions go.


  1. I agree with your statement that you've never agreed with harming things that are helpless. That was a great way to start the blog and pull the reader in, it really had me interested from the beginning, great post!

  2. Great blog post Julius. I totally agree with everything you said. This has been a huge problem especially in recent years. Really great job telling us the story behind the video and how big of a problem this is. I wasn't aware of the exact numbers of how much plastic is in the ocean, but now I know its a tremendous amount. Overall great job.

  3. I just saw a news clip of authorities intercepting a whole truck of sea turtles that someone was smuggling. They released most, but a lot of them died before that. All crazy


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