Humphead Wrasse

 Bree Taylor

The humphead wrasse is a coral reef fish that is over six feet long. They also can be up to 400 pounds. It has a bulge on its forehead hence the humphead name. A cool fact about them is that some of them live up to thirty years of age. They tend to live in the coral triangle or in the costal east of Africa. This species is currently endangered. 

This fish is important to the coral reef health. They eat starfish that killing the coral. This helps the population of keeping the damaging coral reef predator in check. 

This fish is vulnerable to being overfished. The humphead wrasse is considered a luxury food and part of the live fish trade around Southeast Asia.

In Malaysia, the WWF helped stop exporting this fish. They work with people to repopulate the coral with the humphead wrasse so that the fish can do its job helping the coral. 860 humphead wrasse have been released into the wild since the year of 2010.


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