How Do Wind Turbines Work?

How do Wind Turbines Work?


   Last week we looked at solar energy and how it works, but what about wind energy? Wind turbines are more common than solar energy and you will probably see this type of energy more than the other. Not only are wind turbines more common, but they are also much easier to understand. Of course, as solar energy gets its energy from the sun, wind energy gets its energy from the wind. All though wind turbines might seem a little intimidating, they are actually fairly simple.

    Some of you may have seen or used at some point a crank radio like the one below. With these radios, you crank the handle that has a generator which creates energy for the radio to run. This is exactly how wind turbines work but instead of your hand cranking the generator, it's the wind. the wind moves the propellers which crank the generator turning the wind into energy.

    Have you guys ever seen these wind turbines before?

I think that wind turbines are very interesting and something that we should utilize more.



  1. This is very interesting to read about, because I’ve always seen wind turbines but have never been informed on how they work. I believe we should definitely use more wind turbines as well as solar panels on homes.


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