The Orangutan Species


Bree Taylor

The Orangutan community are currently critically endangered. There are three species of orangutans: the Bornean orangutan, the Sumatran orangutan and the Tapanuli orangutan. The Tapanuli species is currently the most endangered, with only about 800 of them in existence. This species is also the most endangered of all the great apes. The Bornean species is now estimated at 104,700 which makes them just endangered. The Sumatran species is now estimated at 7,500 which makes them critically endangered. 

The orangutans are extremely important to the ecosystem because they are known as the gardeners of the forest. They play an important role in seed dispersal in their habitats. Orangutans also have an extremely low reproductive rate which makes them highly vulnerable in the wild. They give birth to one orangutan every 3-5 years which makes it hard for this animal to recover from their declining population. 

This animal also happens to be an easy target for hunters because they are very large and slow. They are being killed for food or retaliation as they move into agriculture and destroy crops. The females are being hunted the most. They are also losing their habitat due to deforestation that is happening so palm oil can be produced. 


  1. Bree, I like how you said that the orangutans are the gardeners of the forest because that is a very interesting fact that I would like to know more about. Do you know why they give birth from 3-5 years?

  2. I am surprised Orangutans are critically endangered. I always thought they would take care of them since they are pretty smart and could help us with our problems.

  3. I like how you told information on how they make a impact to the natural environment and to why we need them. I like of you said they are also like the Gardner to the forest. Also they fact on they give birth to one orangutan 3-5 years was a good info point i never knew that about them.


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