Ocean Fish Stock by Aaron Hoffman


The worlds ocean fish stock is on the verge of collapsing. The International Union for Conservation of Nature, Jared Ferrie reports that the oceans have absorbed more than 93 percent of the heat generated by human activity since the 1970s, primarily through its large surface area, volume, and low albedo. Last year, the ocean was its warmest in 136 years of records. The increase in temperature has led to new toxic organisms and algae bloom that poison fish. Many specials are leaving their natural habitats in search of cooler areas. Since fish are leaving their natural habitat it causes a lot of problems for the fish in the habitat they move to. Food starts to dwindle down quicker that it should and the people that eat fish can search for fish in that area but cast find any if the fish leave. People are also overfishing and causing species to decline.  




  1. Great post Aaron! I did not know that the oceans absorbed 93% of the heat that was generated by humans since the 70s. That is crazy!


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