Electric > Gas


Electric vehicles over Gas Vehicles has been an on going debate for a while. When I first heard about this topic I honestly thought it was dumb and was not needed, but that is before I found out about major global warming problems and how bad it is for the environment. A single gas car can release about four point six metric tons of carbon dioxide a year. There is about seven point eight billion people on the world and about one point four of them drive cars on a daily basis. That’s about six point four billion tons of carbon dioxide that is being released into the atmosphere. That is without adding all the pollution that big corporations are letting out into the world. The more and more people that find out about global warming the more that people change from gas cars to Electric cars. People all around the world are slowly changing to electronic vehicles, even big companies like Walmart and Amazon are slowly converting to electrical vehicles. It’s crazy how global warming Is happening and gas car sells have been up eighteen percent in the last year. A lot of companies like Ford, Hyundai, and Honda have been aware of the clime change and global warming and started to make more eco friendly cars and even converting cars to electric vehicles.

Most of my information where from these two websites 




  1. The title got me interested. Then I ended up staying and reading through for the break down of carbon dioxide by cars. It seeded a weird feeling within knowing that I drive my car daily and never thought or much less new the damage it caused. When I drive around, I’m primarily focused on the amount of gas I use and the mileage on the dash. This article is powerful and made me stop and consider. What I considered is the thought of having an electric car. I mean I’ve always wanted a Tesla, who doesn’t. Humans evolve all the time so why can’t our ways do the same. We can do this by changing how we live.

  2. This is a very interesting topic.it really shocks me the amount of carbon dioxide that is released due to gas vehicles and is believe everyone should be aware of that. If more people were aware about the consequences and the negative aspects of these kind of vehicles and how they affect the globe, more people would change their habits. However, electric vehicles are really expensive but there are really too many alternatives to replace gas vehicles or at least to reduce their usage.

  3. Ever since the development of higher end electric cars I think more people have become more open minded to the idea of having electric or gas vehicles. Gas cars have been known to be harmful to our environment as well as the knowledge that fossil fuels are limited and take time to regenerate. Electric cars could be very beneficial to our environment. Many companies have tried to follow the way of electric and many more cars come in electric even though still being made in gas models. Companies like Tesla has also brought a lot of attention to electric cars since there was nothing like that on the market when they came out. This created a race in electric cars. Now companies like Ford are creating fast electric high end cars. I think this competition of electricity will continue to fuel cars to be more environmentally friendly.

  4. This was very interesting to read about. I had no idea gas cars emitted that much carbon dioxide into the air. Plus all of the other carbon emissions! It is a hugeee problem that needs to be fixed.


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