electric >> Gas pt2

  Due to all the pollution that is going on in todays world and every other crazy thing that is happening I say that electric vehicles are better to own, it is proven that Electric Vehicles are most environmentally friendly and honestly are cheaper and easer to maintain. on a recent survey done by electric vehicles owners when asked why they purchased the vehicle the most given answer was "most economic friendly".  In the future  is it said that around fifteen percent of people around the world would convert to electric vehicles dur to the harmful pollution.  Electric energy is stored inside the cars batteries and are used in EV's, EVs don's emit or release any type of harmful pollution into the environment. Electric cars and trucks have no engine, powertrain, or transmission so that means they are quiet and if they are quiet that means that the car is not polluting the earth in any way shape or form. The gas industry has profited a lot of money off of pretty much anyone that has a car or motorized vehicle. About seventeen percent of the people in the world drive cars and because of the seventeen percent of people across the world paying $2.88 for a single gallon of gas we are funding big plants that will use that money to put back into the company and then continue to profit, These big plants are also polluting the air with harmful Co2(Carbon Dioxide).


Electric Cars Vs Gas Cars - Pros and Cons: Everything You Need to Know (getelectricvehicle.com)

Electric vs. Gas Cars: Which One is Better for You? | Compare.com


  1. In California the gas prices are at least 4 dollars right now, and I find that another reason why it is a good idea to have an electric car. What is a solution to have more people switch to electric cars?

  2. Great blog post. I think that for people to start buying electric cars instead of gas cars, the prices will have to be lowered a lot. Right now they are super expensive and a lot of people just don't have that money.


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