Do We Take Advantage Of Our Energy? (Blog #2)

 Do We Take Advantage of our Energy?

We have always had energy, in fact, not having energy has never been a problem. Other than a power outage every once in a while energy has always been guaranteed. Even though energy is something we don’t think about in our daily lives, I wonder if we know how much we actually consume.

America is one of the largest energy consumers in the world. In an article by the American Geosciences Institute it was stated that America uses around 97 quadrillion Btu every year, that is 97 and 15 zeros. I never knew we used that much energy. They also stated that we consume about 17% of the worlds energy

It does make sense to me that we use that much energy, almost everything I use on a day to day basis requires some type of energy. I would be interested in seeing how much energy I consume on my own. I can’t imagine a life without energy, almost everything that I do would be impossible.

What do you guys think? Does that feel like a lot of energy to you? Would you be willing to live a life without energy if we ever had to?


  1. Do we take advantage of energy. modern-day energy sources such as electricity has become a modern necessity. To me personally we do not take advantage of this energy but have used it to evolve and create modern day technology. Energy is something that cannot be created nor destroyed so therefore it will always exist somewhere in our environment. so I do not feel like it is being wasted but distributed on a larger grid. they're very few Societies in which homes do not have electricity like air conditioning and other things that we would find to be necessities now. In the past energy consumption has been lower but I think this has to reflect that the technology has not developed yet to need as much energy.

  2. Wow! That is a lot of energy that the US uses on a daily basis. I would never have thought we used that much energy. This article made me think of how much energy I use to help how much energy the US uses. Honestly, I don't know if I could live a life without energy if I ever had too.


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