California Farmers Worried about Water

 California Farmers Worried about Water

Salvador Parra, manager at Burford Ranch, is seen with a garlic crop he is preparing to harvest and sell, in Cantua Creek, California, U.S. June 15, 2021. Photo taken June 15, 2021. REUTERS/Norma Galeana

In the state of California, farmers are starting to worry about the lack of water. They aren't able to grow many crops because there's no water to work with. A type of water is available, called supplemental water, is very costly making farmers unable to afford it because they don't have crops to get profit from. In California, agriculture is an important part of their economy and the state is a top producer of vegetables, berries, nuts, and dairy products. Everywhere you go you see wasteland, and it hurts for farmers to have to see that. Without the water, there's no work, and no money.


  1. Great blog post Emma. This is a very big issue and you did a great job throughly explaining it. This will definitely hit Californias economy hard. I hope that California can get a bunch of rain soon and help them with their water droughts. I have also never heard about supplemental water, but It cool that a thing and i'm sure it is very expensive. Overall great job.

  2. Water Droughts in California are a very serious topic, California deals with so many environmental problems like Wild fires, local fish dying, sea levels rising, and now Forest Fires. I like you went more into detailed explain about alternative water sources and how most farmers can't afford that water because it's more costly. You did a good job with this small article.


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